Surya Namaskar Marathon
A Surya Namaskar Marathon involves performing a high number of Surya Namaskar rounds consecutively or throughout a specific time period. The goal is to challenge your endurance, flexibility, and strength while experiencing the physical, mental, and even meditative aspects of the practice.
Yoga drills for flexibility
Breath awareness designed to gradually increase your body's range of motion and improve overall flexibility. Consistent practice of these drills can help you achieve greater suppleness in your muscles and joints, making yoga poses and daily activities more accessible.
Yoga for strength
Yoga for strength focuses on using body weight and functional movements to build muscular strength and endurance throughout the entire body with a special focus on arms and core strength. While yoga is often associated with flexibility and relaxation, it can also be a powerful tool for developing physical strength.
Back bending Intense
Back bending practice focusses on stretching the front of the body, including the muscles along the chest and abdomen, while strengthening the muscles along the back. This combination of stretching and strengthening promotes spinal flexibility and can counteract the stiffness that comes from modern lifestyles.
Hip opening Yoga
A powerful stillness practice, where we practice passive stretches to relax the deep muscles of the body using props to assist us for longer holds. Modern lifestyles often involve prolonged sitting, which can lead to tightness and imbalances in the hip muscles. Yoga for hip opening focuses on stretching and strengthening the muscles around the hips, which can help alleviate tightness, improve flexibility, and create a greater range of motion in the hip joints.