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Yoga for Healthy Ageing (Tips & Facts)

8th Sep 2022 | Author - Antaranga Ray

Many of you must have heard the phrase, “age is just a number” and we are here to tell you that the saying might hold some truth. The ageing process affects each of us differently, and it can be difficult to recognise the many changes that follow an increase in age. No one can escape the inevitable process of ageing and eventual death, but we can certainly slow it down rather than suffer the pain associated with the fear of dying.  However, it may not come as a surprise that the secret of healthy and graceful ageing is deeply rooted in the ancient practice of Yoga.  

Yoga, one of the world's oldest wellness systems, is gaining traction thanks to claims that it can promote healthy ageing and provide answers to the ultimate quest of human beings: “Who Am I and What Am I Here For” .

Numerous well-designed studies indicate that practicing yoga has a positive impact on issues concerning older adults like cellular aging, agility, balance, mental health, and cognitive impairment prevention. This benefit comes due to the fact that Yoga is based on an integrated approach where we align mind, body and spirit.

Pranayam for Everyday Practice

Pranayamas are breathing exercises which help us to build concentration, awareness and cools down our nervous system. A non-agitated nervous system fosters tissue repair and builds our immunity. Here are some pranayama techniques which can be done everyday in the morning:

  1. Anulom Vilom:  A 10 min practice of alternate nostril breathing can greatly improve your health and improve the overall energy system.
  2. Kapalbhati:  Apart from energizing your nerves and aiding metabolism, it will greatly enhance your lung capacity and strengthen your kidney and liver functions.
  3. Bhramari: A soothing breathing exercise quickly relaxes the mind and relaxes the nervous system. Giving you significant relief from headaches, migraines, hypertension, high blood pressure, and anxiety.
  4. Surya Bhedi: It is a potent yoga breathing technique that provides the body with vivacious energy, awakening the  Kundalini Shakti. It helps digestion and slows ageing, unclogs the frontal sinuses, enhances blood circulation and purification, among other benefits.
  5. Chandra Bhedi: It is an effective breathing technique for cooling the body. It is especially beneficial to people who have high blood pressure since it refreshes the mind, decreases stress, irritability, and sleeplessness.

Fundamental Yoga Poses for Senior Practitioners:

Regular yoga practice not only improves immunity but also integrates the body, mind, and soul to achieve tranquility and peace in old age. Here are some asanas that can help boost your sense of well-being and self-efficacy;

1.Tadasana or Mountain Pose

Mountain pose is ideal for the elderly since it improves their posture. It helps to improve their weak legs and ankles, making movement simpler for them. It also alleviates back discomfort and pains, which are typical in old age.

2.Shavasana or Corpse Pose

A brief yoga session concluded with Shavasana is an effective therapy. It promotes concentration, which raises the quality of life for older adults. Shavasana also alleviates sleeplessness, which is a common persistent condition found among seniors.

3.Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog Pose

Adho Mukha Svanasana increases blood flow to the brain, making the intellect sharper and less prone to forgetfulness. This inverted posture is also beneficial for managing stress.

4.Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose

Bhujangasana combats constipation by activating the abdominal organs. It enhances the back and legs while also opening the heart and lungs and mobilizing the spine.

5.Baddha Konasana or Butterfly Pose

Baddha Konasana is known to have many internal benefits. It stimulates the digestive organs, increases circulation, relieves sciatica, and aids in the treatment of depression, anxiety, and exhaustion.

6.Trikonasana or Triangle Pose

Trikonasana reduces blood pressure, which is common in the elderly. It provides stability, strength, and endurance in one's life. It is also beneficial for upper and lower limb strength.

Common Old Age Problems and Tips to Manage During Yoga:

  • Arthritis

  Arthritis can cause joint discomfort on a regular basis, causing you to feel stiff and rusty and reducing   your usual range of motion. Regular yoga practice can help reduce joint discomfort and improve joint flexibility.

Yoga Practice Tip: Avoid placing weight on your hands or wrists, which is a typical source of arthritis discomfort.

  • Blood pressure

High blood pressure is one of the most prevalent problems that people face as they age. According to some research, consistent yoga practice can help decrease blood pressure. Therefore, a regular yoga practice will help in managing this ailment.

Yoga Practice Tip: Avoid transitions that require you to go fast from standing to forward bending, and try to avoid any movements that demand you to move your head lower than your heart.

  • Asthma

  Yoga is an excellent fit if your asthma is triggered by exercising since it keeps your heart rate comparatively moderate.

Yoga Practice Tip: Keep in mind that some yoga teachers incorporate essential oils or incense in their lessons to improve the students' experiences. While this is a nice idea, powerful fragrances might be problematic if you have asthma. It is appropriate to inquire ahead of time whether these sorts of smells will be used in class.

Safe Yoga Practice

Whatever your physical fitness level is, it's best to start slowly and gradually move to more difficult poses. As you begin, make sure to work with a trained instructor, and always warm up properly before each yoga session.

There is no single secret yoga formula that works for all, as each one of us has to see what suits us best. And regardless of our age, we are always faced with the task of just turning up to the mat, irrespective of our psychological or physical reluctance.

A daily yoga practice therefore, provides a crucial framework for general health with several variations available, making it a perfect lifetime practice that changes and evolves with us as we grow, mature, and age.

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