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What does it mean to be a ‘Karen’? And, how can you stop it??

14th May 2021 | Author - Viraj Malik

As the meme has become more prominent online, its meaning has become confused – with real-life Karen’s caught in the crosshairs.

Sure, there's a growing list of internet memes poking fun at real-life stereotypes, "Karen" is the queen of them all.

But actually, what does being a Karen means??

According to a popular meme, Karen is a middle-aged white woman with an asymmetrical bob asking to speak to the manager, who happens to be as entitled as she is ignorant.

So, are you the type of person who demands to speak to the manager when you feel you've been wronged?  And if yes, then you just might be a "Karen."

But what really makes us being her??  Here are some of the examples that we can relate with being Karen sometimes like:

1. When we feel a need to change everything globally and have a strong urge to fight.

2. When we feel victimized and angry at almost every situation

3. We are trying hard to prove ourselves right in every situation and argument.

4. When we feel entitled for everything and there is a latent feeling to protect our rights

So, do we really enjoy being Karen??

Sure there is no harm to feel Karen once in a while but constantly living in Karen mode can severely impact our quality of life and well-being.

It constantly keeps our nervous system in fight mode secreting all kinds of harmful chemicals and denying our body to produce pleasure or happy hormones.

But we can stop from being a Karen, But How??

 Yoga can be a tool to come out of Living Karen's life. Just take out time and see how regular yoga practice can help you see yourself better and get out of the vicious circle of us working against ourselves in producing poisons for our mind and body.

Here are five tips that can help you to stop being a Karen:

1. Devote time for yoga and meditation every day, develop a taste for the calmness that follows your practice.

2. Develop a gratitude journal, thank five people every day who have been helpful to you.

3. Learn to forgive, let go of past traumas and release yourself of the pain.

4. Start trusting life, you were not born with your own will, trust the power which brought you here, Do your best in the current role and leave rest to live.

5. Develop Kindness, indulge in one kind of activity every day and see how it helps you in your well-being.

Remember, life takes care of life, our primary role in life is to give and be of benefit to others, and the real joy of life is when we empty ourselves from our negative emotions to find infinite bliss within us.

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