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Should You Do Yoga Before or After Workout? How to Get the Best of Both Worlds

18th Oct 2022 | Author - Antaranga Ray

Yoga and gym workouts may seem like two very different fitness regimens, but they really compliment one another pretty well. The key question, though, that frequently arises is which of these two should come first. Should you start with yoga or should you hit the gym first? In order to answer this question let us understand a few basics.

The Gym-Yoga Conundrum:

A number of the postures and movements you perform in yoga might very well help you in your exercise routine at the gym and enhance your performance. Therefore, incorporating yoga into your regimen may be beneficial even if you enjoy working out in the gym.

And for all you yogis out there, weight training might help you with your yoga practice. Overall, they both fill a vacuum that may be present in the other activity, thus it can be advantageous for you to engage in both.

Yoga is the perfect accompaniment to your gyming schedule, whether you're looking to build your ideal physique or are just looking for some mental stability. However, this does not imply that you should just hit the mat before partaking in high-intensity exercises or strength training. In fact, studies suggest that doing this can work against your fitness goals.

The sequence and timing of your workout activities actually has a significant influence on your performance. Let us now analyze and determine if yoga is best practiced prior to or following exercise regimens.

The Upfront Answer: Yoga Before or After Workout?

The most straightforward answer? You should ideally practice Yoga AFTER working out at the gym.

However, it is best to plan your yoga session for a completely different day. Yoga may be an excellent addition to cardio and strength training, but for many reasons, it is best done on a separate day.

3 Reasons Why Yoga Isn't a Good Idea Before Working Out:

We are all aware of the many advantages Yoga may provide. However, that does not imply that we have to do Yoga before going to the gym. Further arguments for avoiding yoga before working out at the gym include:

  1. Holding prolonged yoga positions, or static stretching, encourages lower muscular compression, which in turn depresses athletic performance.
  2. As long as it just comprises active stretches that boost blood flow and prepare you for the workout ahead, yoga may be a terrific addition to your gym warm-up regimen.
  3. Yoga actually softens tissues, fascia, and muscles by temporarily stretching your muscle fibers. This may actually lower the muscles' capacity to operate effectively during a demanding workout.

Advantages of Yoga after Workout

The possible benefits are really amazing when you time your yoga practice after a workout or on a different rest day.

  • By boosting blood flow and oxygenation to your tissues, yoga aids in a quicker recovery of your muscles.
  • After exercise, it's usual to have tight or stiff muscles. Yoga sessions following your workouts thoroughly stretch those muscles, allowing them to heal more quickly and more efficiently by increasing flexibility.
  • Most yoga sessions involve deep breathing, which activates your parasympathetic nervous system. A yoga session at the end of your workout is an excellent method to decrease your heart rate and allow your body to recuperate from the stress reactions of working out.
  • The key to lowering your stress levels and eliminating the fight or flight mode triggered by intense physical activity is to incorporate that restorative yoga session afterwards.
  • Yoga after exercise calms your muscles and aids in the body's transition to rest. It has been demonstrated that relaxing through your favourite asanas and engaging in pranayama breathing helps to relax, ease tension in the muscles, and even improve sleep.

Best Yoga Pose Before a Workout:

  • Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) (5-10 rounds)

Best Yoga Poses After a Workout:

  • Marjaryasana-Bitilasana (Cat/Cow Stretch)
  • Adho mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog)
  • Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Pigeon Pose)
  • Uttanasana (Forward Bend)
  • Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
  • Balasana (Child's Pose)
  • Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby)
  • Markatasana (Supine Twisting Pose)
  • Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Complementary or Diametrically Opposed?

Yoga practise as part of your gym or exercise regime has numerous upsides:

  • Increased strength
  • Increased mobility
  • Greater adaptability
  • Improved muscle oxygenation
  • Increased attention and mental fortitude
  • Organize the mind-body link
  • Aids in muscle healing

However, these advantages stem mostly from a yoga practice that is carefully scheduled within your gym session. A yoga session will always be advantageous for both mental and physical wellness, at the end of the day. It's generally advisable to do yoga after the gym or on a different day entirely if you want to include it to your workout programme to improve your performance.

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