Finding Our True Guru
13th Jul 2022 | Author - Viraj Malik
In the age of the internet, there is countless news of fake gurus exploiting gullible followers and, as a result, the word "guru" is being looked at with suspicion in today's world.
A Guru-disciple relationship has been an important foundation of Yogic culture. A Guru-disciple relationship is much deeper than a teacher-student relationship. A truly attuned student is the one who is called a disciple. A true Guru helps one to come out of real ignorance and find liberation and peace within oneself. A true Guru is often referred to as Sadhguru.
Can one not reach the highest goals of yoga without a Sadhguru? How do we know if the Guru is the true Guru or not?
These are important questions and they need answers...
A true guru will not be after your money, or possessions, or try to take control of your life. A true guru may not even say nice words all the time and will work on exposing the delusions of his student.
My personal view is that in the process of elevating ourselves through any conscious practice of yoga, the most important question is whether we are a true disciple or not.
Once we are committed to elevating ourselves, the right teachers will come our way, depending on what we need at the moment. Sometimes the guru comes in the form of a friend, and sometimes life may even send a guru in the form of an enemy. When we respond to our enemy's hate with hate, there is learning in the process. Some day we will realize that the enemy is our creation, and with the right intentions and an open and pure heart, no one is really an enemy. When an enemy becomes the guru, there is learning and transformation with that interaction. We develop tolerance, fearless compassion, and humility to allow love to touch not only those that are easy to love but those that refuse our love as well (i.e., the enemy). Your smile, your tolerance, your patience, your loving-kindness just might be the bit of light that your enemy needs to see life from a new perspective.
A Guru accelerates our evolutionary journey and his presence can act as a catalyst for our own transformation. Sooner or later, true surrender happens not just to the Guru but to the life force which acts through the Guru. In our yogic culture, all the gurus have recommended yoga as a powerful technique for union with the life force.
Through yoga and meditation, one can learn to quiet the mind and cultivate an open heart. As one begins to practise yoga and meditation consistently, you will find a rebirth process happening with delayering of our past conditioned thinking and seeing the world from a new perspective. From time to time, our existing world may get turned upside down and new perspectives open up. Compassion develops in a very real and meaningful way, and with compassion comes humility and forgiveness.
When a disciple surrenders to life and lives with a sense of detachment, he will eventually see his true reflection and the truth will emerge.
Attunement to divine will can only happen at the right time for everyone and it's important to understand that Guru is not just a person, but the start of a process where one identifies the divine in one being and which gradually leads to self-realization.
Lucky are those who can fall in love with their gurus without any doubt whatsoever. Only in true love and devotion can we see our own truth and the guru's energy can truly act through us. Yoga definitely is a way to swiftly move to the path of self-realization and if one finds it difficult to surrender to a person, one can still surrender to a technique and see how it works like magic.
Today is Guru Purnima and I would like to express my gratitude and bow at the feet of all the Gurus who have shown the way to countless beings and illuminated their lives with wisdom and techniques of yoga.