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The Basis of Creation: The Panchamahabhuta

22nd Apr 2021 | Author - Viraj Malik

Pancha Mahabhuta consists of three words: ‘Pancha meaning five, ‘maha’ meaning great and ‘bhuta’ meaning that which exists. According to yoga and Ayurveda, all living and non-living things in the universe are made up of this Pancha mahabhutas, more commonly known as the five fundamental elements of life - Air (‘Vayu’), Water (‘Jal’), Fire (‘Agni’), Earth (‘bhumi)’, and Space (‘Aakash’). Only when these five elements unite with the life element or ‘soul’ is the human body formed.

These above elements have different characteristics and these also account for different faculties of human experience. The presence of the Pancha mahabhutas in the human body corresponds as follows.

Aakash mahabhuta (Space) is present in the voids within the body such as the nostrils, mouth and abdomen.

Vayu mahabhuta (Air) represents movement in the muscles and nervous system. Agni mahabhuta (Fire) controls digestion, metabolism and corresponds to intelligence. Jal mahabhuta (Water) is present in all bodily fluids, including saliva, plasma, and digestive juices. Bhumi mahabhuta (Earth) is represented in the structure of the body, including the bones, teeth, flesh, and hair.

According to Yoga, sadhana aims to have mastery over oneself. This mastery can be achieved by mastering all the basic elements. The process of gaining mastery over these elements and purifying them is called Bhuta Shuddhi. When you chant the Bhuta Shuddhi mantra and take the elements – earth, water, air, and fire – into yourself, you try to influence how they function within you. It is important to be deeply focused on that.

The seven Chakras in the human subtle body are associated with these five elements.

Muladhara ChakraPrithviStability, Support
Swadhishthan ChakraJalJoy, Well-being
Manipura ChakraAgniWisdom, Power
Anahata ChakraVayuCompassion
Vishuddha ChakraAkashTrust, Creativity
Ajna ChakraAkashKnowledge, Intuition, Dignity
Sahasrara ChakraAkashOneness


Here are some practices which can help you to achieve Bhutashuddhi in daily life.

We all know that earth is a detoxification agent. It helps to remove toxins from our body. A lot of us heard about Multani mitti. Yes, it is a great cleansing and exfoliating agent for the skin. It has active elements which absorb oil, dirt, sweat and impurities and leave the skin clean, soft, and supple. Most of us have lost touch with mother earth. 

Try to be in touch with earth and nature, walk barefoot on the earth, inculcate the habit of gardening, touch the earth at least once during the day. You could also roll on the   ground, plant a nice tree or even hug trees. It shall help us to balance the Prithvi element.

Did you know 70% of the earth and bodies are made up of water? Water is used in some of the cleansing practices of hatha yoga, the shatkarmas, to remove excessive (water) and digestive acid.

Ayurveda advocates for always boil the water before drinking, as this does more than just kill bacteria. So, drink a lot of water, to keep you hydrated and energetic throughout the day. It is vital for good health.

It is difficult these days to get access to running streams however occasionally try to spend quality time with water. Also, practice swimming. It is a great activity to soothe and heal the body and mind.

We all know that Sun is the ultimate source of energy. And we all are familiar with the harmful effects of the sun rays but how many of us know the benefits of these rays? I think most of us are not aware of the fact that a 15- minutes exposure to the sun can be effective in solving a lot of our health problems. Many Ayurveda experts believe that sunbathing in the morning is an effective way to keep the heart-healthy.

During these times, you must take an early morning sunbath it helps you to boost your immune system and balances your hormonal system. If you can sit out in the sun and let the rays touch your body. Make ensure that you worship the power of Fire in any form during the day. Thank the Sun for providing you with the energy to run through the day. Try to bring warm lighting and colours into your home. Frequently, go on a brisk walk and make time for creative self-expression. And find healthy ways to burn off nervous energy.

Though Fire is one of the strongest elements, it is the hardest to balance but the fire element has a therapy that you can rejuvenate yourself.

Yes, we are talking about Patra Potli

A lot of you wonders what this term means?

Patra Potli is a sweat therapy that utilizes heat energy to provide relief from pain and strengthen the soft tissues, joints, and muscles in the body. Potli is prepared by filling the leaves of medicated plants to induce heating.

Want to know about their benefits? Below are the benefits of Patra Potli.

1. It improves blood circulation

2. It improves skin complexion

3. Increase muscle strength

4. Relieves body pain and stiffness

5. It is anti-ageing and rejuvenating

Of all the elements, the air is perhaps the most powerful to cleanse the body of toxins.

When the air element is balanced, you can freely give and receive love, feel light and open, feel motivated and innovative, and express mental agility. So, resolve to wake up early to allow ample time for all the things that need to get done before the workday commences. 

Get outdoors for a morning walk or other exercise and fill your lungs, eyes and ears with the clarity and peace that this time offers. A period of meditation and yoga will help cement the feeling of centeredness and peace. Spend some time watching clouds float around in the sky. Try out breathing meditation (following your breath). Design your daily routine that creates stability, calm and peace. We cannot control our mind, but our breath can.

In the human body, there are many spaces for free movement. Balancing the Space element can give you the highest self-healing powers.

Do you know what is the best way to enhance the space?

Fasting can be the best way to balance your space element. If there is no Space, none of the other 4 elements can exist. So, we must get up every morning and thank Space for supporting Life. You can balance your space by doing meditation in the early morning. Sometimes, sit silently and feel the expanse of Space. And try to Connect with the sounds of the Universe and feel the peace.

The equilibrium of these five elements in the body denotes health while their imbalance or disbalance denotes disease so it is very important to keep a balance between all the elements in their respective balance within the body to gain abundant health.

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