What is Nasyam Therapy
Unlock the healing potential of Nasyam, an integral part of Panchakarma therapy, focusing on detoxification of the head region. Through a sequence involving medicated facial massage, inhalation of medicated smoke, and administration of oils through the nose, Nasyam offers relief for sinusitis, migraines, and various ENT disorders. If you are dealing with these problems, you can find relief in Nasyam's focused approach. As toxins are expelled and nasal passages cleared, congestion reduces, and headaches subside. Immerse yourself in this ancient Ayurvedic ritual, where clarity of breath, freedom from discomfort, leads you towards optimal health.
Contraindications :
- Persons suffering from digestive disorders, fever, and coryza should avoid this.
- Immediately after physical exertion,pregnancy,menstruation, and persons who have recently undergone oleation therapy, should not take Nasya therapy.
- Nasya should not be administered just after food,bath and in the rainy season.
- Avoid high stress levels,mental disorders and hypertension.